Also, forgive all the pictures where I have walls half down. The way rooms are built/sized it's hard to get good pictures with them up.
Jo's fixing the fridge while Kenny makes pancakes.
Obligatory vom-shot of the first pregnancy of the second generation.
Josef was outside, so Kenny went to tell him he's gonna be a daddy. This was his reaction.
We're gonna keep on super friendly terms with him--and romantic--but probably won't move him in. Considering what happened to Jo and J when J moved in, it's probably far from the best idea.
Won't keep Kenny from sleeping with the guy, though. Even if it's not for procreation. Right after they took this picture they went and woohooed.
They're cute, okay?
We all know how this goes, yeah?
Would either of you like to breathe?
What could this heart possibly mean? What about his face?
She's so taken by him it would feel wrong to deny her this, honestly. She looks so damn smitten!
If you say no, Mister Lunsford, I will find a way into the game and castrate you. It'll be the most R-rated thing in game ever.
He said yes. Smart man. Sim. Whatever.
"I approve of this gem."
Not a real gem, dude. It's just barely past the 'I got it from a gumball machine for fifty cents' range.
Oh, yeah, all this was done by Kenny in her underwear. Classy.
"Shut up. He said yes didn't he?"
Well, he's your baby daddy and he knows what he's getting into . . . not like he had a lotta choice. It was either say yes and get to see his kid(s) as much as possible, or say no and be painted as a total dickwad and a free castration.
".....Shut up. I'm starting to see why my parents hate you."
And you get me your whole life.
"It's already half over. Just two more life stages to go through."
Lookie here. Showcasing my crappy building skills with this new house. And oh crap, I'm gonna need to get a chess table so Kenny doesn't have to go to the park all the time for her aspiration.
It's been downgraded to a single bathroom because I was excited about the expensive prebuilt rooms and don't have enough money for even the crappiest of crappy bathrooms.
Also, if you can't tell by the bassinet, the room with the yellow-covered bed is for Kenny and Josef--who's moving in after all.
So meet Josef Lunsford, everyone--the generation two spouse.
He is a Mean Music Lover that is a Quick Learner and, like Val, is Lazy. His aspiration is Nerd Brain and he's four days away from elder status.
Why you gotta be an old man, Josef? (And dammit, there's that letter again. I was hoping I could avoid the letter J until generation three or four at the earliest, dammit.)
"I'm not that old!"
Kenny's barely a young adult. You're nearly as old as her parents.
So if any of your kids are grey-haired out of the womb I'm gonna have someone--probably J if he's still around--kick your ass for being a sneaky old guy.
"That's some screwed up logic."
Yeah, yeah, I know shut up.
In other news: baby bump! The second trimester has begun. Crossing fingers for blue baby right away! Partially so my first born law isn't completely ignored for the entirety of the legacy, and partially so that Kenny doesn't have to strain Josef for more babies. (As amusing as it would be--she might just kill him with woohoo.)
Joelie wouldn't quit insulting Josef, so he decided to fight back. Oh dear. Not even married in yet and he's already having issues with the founder. This will be fun.
"Can we kick him out? Kenny's already got his donation."
Now, now, Jo. Kenny's quite attached to him. And you started it.
"He's almost as old as me! And he's a jerk."
I know. But you'd have to take up the subject with Kenny, see what she says.
"Maybe I will."
Have fun with that. And, Josef . . .
Stop being a dickwad to my founder. I can kill you even easier now than I could when you were just a townie.
"Oh dear." .... "She started it!"
"Mother's protective instincts." ..... "The girl's barely grown and here you are, almost an elder and getting her pregnant."
....Well, he is giving you grandchildren. And keeping your legacy going.
"Shut up."
Sisters cuddling. So cute I can't get over it.
So, I totally forgot about Hertha's birthday. So Jo is peeing then working on a cake.
"Does this mean I won't be able to get away with watching the kids' channel?"
You're a Sim; you can get away with anything.
I love their candle-blowing faces. Goofy and adorable.
Hertha's teen trait is Romantic and she aspires to be a Party Animal. Fun-tastic.
She's kind of adorable.
And I think that's it for this post. Next time: baby birth! And probably an elder birthday. And a wedding--Kenny will be the first Zavanella to be properly married--maybe J and Jo will be sparked into finally officially tying the knot as well.
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