Sunday, October 5, 2014

Generation Two; Day Whatever: Birthdays and Mothers-To-Be

If my laptop would calm down, I'd feel a lot better about opening the Sims. It's been overheating constantly and it's driving me bananas.

(Cue Hollaback Girl. This shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S.)

Anyways, to the Zavanella household, yeah? Where'd we leave off last time? Oh yeah, J drank some fireworks, Kenny finished the first milestone of her aspiration, and Don was creepy with Hertha. Okay! This time we should get a bunch of birthdays. Huzzah!

Jo starts us off with her usual dorky dance moves.

"They're not dorky!"

They really are. But you're adorable so I'm not gonna make fun of you too much now.

We're down to less than a week before everyone ages up. Like, Hertha has the most time before her birthday, and it's in six days. Kenny has four, and I think J and Jo get elderified in like, three.

"Elderified isn't a word."


Jo needs to reach level three fitness for work and J gets upset if he's inactive for too long--has anyone else realized the irony of an active Sim taking a job where you literally sit in front of the computer all day?--so I bought them a treadmill.

Autonomous experimentation! Let's see if she can get better than Kenny's B grade--she's only one skill point away from the 'two skills to four' thing and all the other requirements I'm pretty sure are finished.

Although Kenny's close to an A grade now so . . .

Mother daughter bonding. They're watching the cooking channel and I've no idea what Jo is talking about.

Some wooing had to take place. Their relationship was plummeting again, so they gave a few massages, whispered sweet nothings, and flirted a bit before I let J go to sleep--it's around 8:30 and he's the only one that's tired. Everyone else's energy is in the green. And I don't know why. But it makes me worried for their needs when work and school happen.

Nothing really happened for a few days. This family is so boring right now it's ridiculous.

She's got a B! But this is the most interesting thing to happen between the rollercoaster of a relationship between her parents and birthdays, so . . .

Elder Jo and elder J are cute.

Here's the lovely Joelie Zavanella, all. She's all eldered up! You're a pretty happy old lady, Jo.

"I went from lawn living to having a crappily built but fairly large house, have had three kids and am engaged. What's to not be happy about?"

The crappy house, not being married, lawn living, being old?

"Eh. After so long without a roof overhead, just having that is nice. And me being old means that I should have grandbabies soon. Right?"

Yeah, after Kenny's aged up--and if I do the 'pretend SP is a thing' thing I saw on tumblr today to give Alex and Val a child or two.

You don't seem quite as happy, J.

"I'm an old man."

Okay . . .

"I downgraded from a real house to a lawn to this."


"My aspiration is nowhere near finished."


"You're just agreeing until I stop whining, huh?"


"I hate you."

I can kill you pretty easily.

"Hate you."

He's sent to take a bubble bath--both his fun and hygiene were low--while Jo dances her elderly butt off before work.

J decides to do the same after she's left. Is it because no one's here to make fun of you?

"I hate you."

When Jo gets off work--and after some sleep, too. She comes home ready to pass out now.

After J went to wherever he goes during the day, Kenny asked her mother about woohoo. Awkward much?

"Oh dear God--I didn't need that much information!"

What . . . what did she tell you?

"I'm not repeating it."

A wild birthday appears! Kenny starts it off by tasting the frosting she made herself.

"It's good."

 Managed to get the 'blowing the candles out' pic, but not of J using the giant Dr. Seuss style horn in celebration.

Kinda wish there would be more of a difference between teen faces and adult faces.

Her adult trait is Ambitious.

To get her away from the chess board and computer for a while.

Then we called Josef Something-Or-Other over, since he's the only adult male she knows that isn't J or Johnnie. (Who died a while ago but is in her relationship panel as a ghost.)

Managed all this--then he kept trying to use the computer.

So obviously she had to propose woohoo.

.....In her parents' bed.

"Shut up. It's the only double bed on the lot."

Gross. Jo came home just as they finished up and took a nap on this bed.

Pregnancy test!

Congrats, Kenny. Mother-to-be on your second day of young adulthood. She looks so happy--and her boobs are massive now, holy cow.

So I'll end it here. Next time: baby, maybe? Definitely a Hertha birthday, at the very least. If they get money a nursery might be built, too.

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