Thursday, September 18, 2014

Generation Two; Days Two -- Five: Still Lawn Living

And here's day two--taking advantage of the internet while I can because apparently internet is gonna get shut off at some point until I have days and nights figured out, or something like that.

Anyways, let's get back to the Zavanella family, yes?

Like I said last post--only new, important stuff this post. Or super cute stuff. Whatever happens that isn't routine by now.

Lookie! I got walls for the "kitchen"! I was tired of J going to the other side of the counters too cook and serve the food.

The beds were moved, too. They're closer to the kitchen area. Of course, setting the girls' beds up right next to one another like that is probably just asking for a fight. What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment, apparently.

Oh, multitasking. How I love you so. She can hold the milk and the eggs and still eat and drink like a real human being! Except for the milk disappearing when she needs a fork for her eggs, but close enough.

Jo got to take one bite of her breakfast before she had to go to work. Good thing her hunger wasn't too low.

And the girls are off to school! Kenny got two little pop up things and came home focused because she got extra time to do a project. Val came home stressed because I had her studying hard. She's down to a week before her teen birthday.

They tolerate each other for homework and no other time. I expect this to change when they get a table.

Don't put that hand back in the salad--gross, Jo!

"It adds flavor."

She looks upset. Less earwax next time?

"Less earwax next time."

Val invited Darrin over.

He's in a crap mood, so he doesn't seem excited, but J got promoted! He is now a code monkey.

They're enthusing about candy. Darrin looks so excited at the idea of sugar. Don't get your hopes up. They're pretty broke.


Much later, Jo tried on a couple different outfits in her wardrobe. Then, because she was flirty and her relationship is crap (and J's napping), she took a cold shower.

Oh yeah. J got this as a promotion reward. Pretty sweet.

I also bought them a stereo.

Sad dancing--she's gloomy, so she's constantly got the sad moodlet and always wants to cry it out in bed.

When the girls got home, Jo paid the bills. How much was it, Jo?

"466 simoleons."

Didn't go up much, huh?

"Still live on a lawn."


Their next purchase will probably be a table. Poor Kenny can't nap when she gets tired because everyone's always sitting on her bed to eat and read and do homework.

Speaking of Kenny; it's her turn to do some digging!

She didn't find anything worth note, so I just sold it without taking a picture.

Jo still likes to tell Val that she's loved, even though her parents are busy and never talk to each other.

J broke the fridge again--and they don't have the money to replace it and be comfortable and I don't want to risk either one of the two that can replace it--so Val decided to play in the puddle.

Hacking the Lothario Trust Fund after his girls have gone to work and school and before he goes off to work. He had to go before he could finis though. Dammit.

She has a level 3 in handiness . . . Please don't die, Jo.

"I don't plan to."

No one ever plans to. It just . . . happens.

After a lot of 'please don't die-please don't die-please don't die' on my end . . .

She lived! Huzzah!

"Told you I didn't plan on dying."

Yeah, yeah.

He's literally about to pass out; but he got a promotion! He is now an Ace Engineer.

Going into day five, Kenny does some digging.

We all know what this means!

These were sold soon after the picture was taken. They're kinda cute. They ned the money so badly, though.

Much later in the day . . . Jo's been promoted! She is now an Agent Handler. She and J also age up to adults, so be ready.

This looks like it'd give fun. I didn't bother checking, but I guess I'll find out soon enough, right? This is Jo's reward for getting promoted, by the by. Oop, looks like you can't interact with it. Or my game's just being dumb. Lemme play around wit it a little more.

Yeah, no, you can't interact with it. So I sold it because I want a house,, dammit!

Now to make a couple cakes!

They're adults! Of course J is exhausted and smelly and bored so it wasn't a happy birthday, but there they are.

Jo might be getting a makeover to be slightly more appropriate for forty-ish. J's clothes are pretty ageless, though, I think. He just really needs a shower.

Of course there's cake! What kinda birthday doesn't have cake?

She's upset. And whoops, left the walls down. Oh well; my laptop keeps overheating so it's near impossible to play for more than a few minutes every like, ten to let it cool down.

Since my computer is acting up, I will end it here and have the next post up later . . . at some point.

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