Thursday, September 11, 2014

How This'll Work

Alright, so while I've done legacies in the Sims before--it's always been on my own and not posting anywhere; just sharing little moments via texts with a friend of mine. I'm not well-versed in the whole 'posting things from the Sims online' thing at all, so bear with me, 'kay?

So this is basically the first post that's not quite introducing the founder of the Zavanella Legacy. (I still have to create the Sim.) What's going here is the succession laws I'll be going by--have a reference link to the site I got 'em from: . There are other nifty things about the legacy challenge for the Sims 4 there, too, so be sure to check it out if you're interested!

Okay, so the laws I'm going by:

Gender Law:
           Equality--both males and females can be heir.

Bloodline Law:
          Traditional--naturally born children are the only ones eligible; unless there are no naturally born children in a generation. In that case, an adopted child can be heir.

Heir Law:
         First Born--The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir. Or the eldest eligible child that has blue skin.

And I think that's about it. Our founder will be introduced at some point--like I said; never done this before so bear with me please. :)

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